EQE mock exam and information session

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Please note that the official sources of information about EQE exams are the EQE website, and information sent to candidates by email. Details of the mock exam and information session have been sent to all EQE candidates by email from the Examination Secretariat. We will of course keep posting updates and reminders here, but don’t rely on blogs (even this one!) to keep up to date. A further mock under exam conditions will take place on 3 February 2022. The purpose of this mock is to check your equipment and settings. This mock will not contain a new paper, but a known paper used in the currently open mocks. WISEflow recommendations for your setup are here, and documentation on the examination system (user guides, troubleshooting, etc) can be found here. The currently available mock flows will remain open until 6 March 2022. The examination Secretariat is holding an online information session on 8 February 2022, from 16:00 to 17:30 CET…

EQE mock exam and information session

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